Monday, June 29, 2009

Stop, drop and. . .pray

I was supposed to leave for Honduras tomorrow, but I guess things don't always work out as planned. On Sunday, June 28, 2009, the president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, was taken by force from his home by soldiers in the first military coup since the Cold War. Roberto Michelett was named as interim president, and since the coup, protesters have taken to the streets and other countries, including the U.S., say they will not recognize any president other than Zelaya unless they are elected democratically. I have no idea how long I will have to wait before I leave. I know I have to trust God's timing, but it's hard not to be impatient and frustrated. I was all packed and ready to go, but sometimes God asks us to wait.

Before any of this happened and I had any idea I wouldn't be able to go as planned, I heard an amazing sermon on Sabbath. And now in retrospect, the sermon was just what I needed, and would need, to hear. Barry Black, the chaplain of the U.S. Senate, spoke at our campmeeting. I'd only heard him speak once before, but I was definitely more impressed this time than the first. He spoke about prayer. This man has the ability to captivate an audience. I think part of it is his deep voice, but he's funny too. He said something that really made a lot of sense. He said most of the time when we pray, we are OK when God says 'yes,' and even when He says 'no.' However, when God doesn't say anything, that's when we struggle. His message was for Christians to let love be their motivation for prayer and to keep trusting even when He doesn't answer right away. Well, God seems to be saying 'no,' right now, but I am not going to get discouraged. My prayers are with those in Honduras now, especially Amanda who is already at the orphanage.

I hope this is resolved soon.

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