My eyes are tiny cameras, constantly clicking, flashing, storing. My heart’s a memory chip with unlimited space.
Is it possible to love and despise at the same time? Is it possible to yearn for home with a weary desperation, yet cling to a place I don’t belong?
Yellowy palm branches sashay to the cadence of a windy beat. Majestic mountains look down their leafy noses at poor occupants. A mother and her three children struggle along a steep road, a burden balanced on the mother’s head. Emaciated dogs roam trash-littered side streets. Welcome to Honduras, a country with immeasurable splendor yet tainted with poverty and despair. It seems typical, but that’s just the book cover. Inside there is a story, a personal story to each wrinkled man and shabby child. I’ve only read a few torn pages. I’ve pieced together scraps and scrawled letters, desperately trying to assess souls protected by barbed wire and concrete walls topped with scraps of glass bottles.
How do I leave, yet how can I stay?
It will never be the same. I will never be the same.
10 days.
Hannah!!! I've recently found your blog (via some mutual friend's name I'm forgetting). You only have 10 days left?! What's next amiga? I've recently returned from Ethiopia. I appreciate the words you've just written. Beautifully said. Bueno, mi castellano falta un monton! Seguimos en contacto, eh?
Hannah, I love your posts. They're so wonderfully descriptive. I know exactly what you mean. Enjoy your last few days.
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